Upcoming Exhibitions

Sea of Love, Christina Little
to 30 Nov

Sea of Love, Christina Little

An expanding body of work exploring the water at Pōneke's Taputeranga Marine Reserve presented in framed photographs, paper weaving and photomontage works.

About Christina Little

Christina Little is a Pōneke Wellington-based photographer best known for her colourful short series photographs of local water bodies. Her work captures the water’s edge and convergence zone where land meets water and its surroundings. Christina often visits the same location repeatedly, sometimes spanning many years. Christina’s photographs are vivid, colourful and full of playfulness, combining shape and form to create captivating and enchanting displays.

Christina has completed a number of solo photographic exhibitions and has been short-listed twice in the Waikato Museum National Contemporary Art Awards.

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Multiplicities, Group Exhibition

Multiplicities, Group Exhibition

Curated by Angela Rowe and featuring work by Alan Squires, Anna Harding, Ashleigh Zimmerman, Ellen Smith, Faye’Ala MacFarlane, Gemma Keene, Jason Povey and Marcel Allen. Multiplicities is a group exhibition including artists and photographers who have been invited to create new work in response to the concept of Multiplicities.

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Orlanda & Ruth, Elizabeth Corin
to 30 May

Orlanda & Ruth, Elizabeth Corin

Opening Friday 3 May 5:30 - 7pm.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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Inside the Dead Box, Chris Schreuder
to 25 Nov

Inside the Dead Box, Chris Schreuder

Inside The Dead Box is an exhibition of photographs of a small theatre-like space designed and constructed to house a world of slowly decaying and decomposing organic matter, with precious inorganic objects nestled in amongst the detritus.

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Figure and Ground, making meaning in the Anthropocene
to 30 Sep

Figure and Ground, making meaning in the Anthropocene

Curated by Angela Rowe and featuring work by Megan Corbett, Deborah Crowe, George Hajian, Gemma Keene, Vicky Little, Ros May, Mark Phobos, and Megan White.

Photographic technology has a history intertwined with photomontage, making it an excellent medium for challenging ideas around the authenticity of the photographic image. It is the perfect medium for creating images of a photographic nature that are impossible to make using traditional photographic equipment and techniques.

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Things I Found Walking, Maggie Buxton
to 28 Jul

Things I Found Walking, Maggie Buxton

A collection of images of botanicals found on one of Maggie’s many walks along Beach Road in Onerahi. They document the cruel and altering process of pressing and drying away their life essence and then encasing them in crude bioplastic experiments.

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Object (the physical image)
to 1 Jul

Object (the physical image)

Object (the physical image) is the latest exhibition at the Shutter Room featuring the work of local artists Grant Beran, Maggie Buxton, Lisa Clunie, Sonja van Kerkhoff, Angela Rowe, Chris Schreuder, Ellie Smith & Diane Stoppard. These artists revel in the physical potential of an image - the materiality - the substance - the quality of a surface - the volume/dimension….the ‘thingness’ of their artwork. There is a perception that photography is like a window or a mirror - something we look through and therefore not interesting as a physical art object. This exhibition is a challenge to that notion - we invite you to come in and view the artworks on display and see what you think!

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Street Art, Kennith Adams
to 25 Feb

Street Art, Kennith Adams

The district is my home. Imperceptibly my attitudes softened first to benign tolerance then later to delight at the colour, form, wry observations, fun and laughter found in artworks that were slathered everywhere, over everything.

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Past exhibitions